Precision-Recall plots for the 10 highest ranked results in category 'prohibitive'Click on legend to change the visibility.wgy@HIT501 - ELL_SVM2 (Prohibitive)visics - boosted_intChn_ratio_scales (Prohibitive)LITS1 - intColorShapeAppearance (Prohibitive)glc12125 - robok (Prohibitive)DSL_clusters - ToneMap+AcfChunks (Prohibitive) - sp_Cov_P (Prohibitive) - spCov+chns_P (Prohibitive)shawn_pan - intChn_50scales (Prohibitive)BolognaCVLab - MSER-1+HOG-2+SVM+Heights+TL (Prohibitive)BolognaCVLab - MSER-1+HOG+SVM+Heights+TL (Prohibitive)00.510.250.75Precision00.

TeamMethodArea under CurveAverage overlap
wgy@HIT501ELL_SVM2 (Prohibitive)
100 %
90.08 %
visicsboosted_intChn_ratio_scales (Prohibitive)
100 %
88.22 %
LITS1intColorShapeAppearance (Prohibitive)
100 %
86.91 %
glc12125robok (Prohibitive)
100 %
85.57 %
DSL_clustersToneMap+AcfChunks (Prohibitive)
100 %
83.56 % (Prohibitive)
100 %
82.03 %
huqc@msn.comspCov+chns_P (Prohibitive)
99.99 %
82.62 %
shawn_panintChn_50scales (Prohibitive)
99.98 %
88.99 %
BolognaCVLabMSER-1+HOG-2+SVM+Heights+TL (Prohibitive)
99.98 %
84.95 %
BolognaCVLabMSER-1+HOG+SVM+Heights+TL (Prohibitive)
99.97 %
84.37 %
qcomVSSD3 (Prohibitive)
99.89 %
91.93 %
wgy@HIT501HOG_LDA_SVM (Prohibitive)
99.78 %
80.81 %
visicsboosted_intChn_7ops (Prohibitive)
99.12 %
88.88 %
huqc@msn.comFirst try (Prohibitive)
99 %
82.54 %
s_trafficsignDL2 (prohibitory) (Prohibitive)
99 %
86.34 %
wgy@HIT501ELL_SVM (Prohibitive)
98.99 %
90.17 %
hb@hit501hb_pro_0.8_0.6_13 (Prohibitive)
98.98 %
79.6 %
LITS1hog+svm1 (Prohibitive)
98.97 %
88.49 %
VJ+FilterVJ+LBP+HSV+colorSIFT (Prohibitive)
98.96 %
86.33 %
expMulti-features filter (Prohibitive)
98.96 %
86.33 %
expexp-multi-pro (Prohibitive)
98.91 %
86.59 %
VJ+FilterVJ+LBP+HSV (Prohibitive)
98.87 %
86.34 %
NII-UITlight-colorSIFT_V2 (Prohibitive)
98.11 %
81.71 %
genius07vgg_detection (Prohibitive)
98 %
90.55 %
VJ+FilterVJ+LBP+HSV+SIFT (Prohibitive)
97.96 %
86.33 %
VJ+Filtertest (Prohibitive)
97.94 %
86.58 %
LITS1hog+svm (Prohibitive)
97.73 %
87.8 %
huqc@msn.comSecond try (Prohibitive)
97.02 %
83.02 %
tempfrir (Prohibitive)
97 %
91.79 %
s_trafficsignDL (prohibitory) (Prohibitive)
97 %
86.33 %
BolognaCVLabMSER+HOG+SVM+Heights+TL (Prohibitive)
96.01 %
80.45 %
bkmwhaar_upscale (Prohibitive)
95.82 %
84.48 %
expBag of visual word (Prohibitive)
95.23 %
87.64 %
aboltabolaboltabol3 (Prohibitive)
95 %
92.49 %
NII-UITdenseSIFT (Prohibitive)
94.65 %
87.48 %
ducluulbp_filter_16_20_wsize (Prohibitive)
93.12 %
85.37 %
expBag of visual words (Prohibitive)
92.34 %
87.55 %
ShapeSaliencyShapeSaliency+Color (Prohibitive)
92.16 %
85.49 %
Test12_STAGES_UPSIZE (Prohibitive)
91.82 %
82.91 %
Testtest_all (Prohibitive)
91.49 %
82.94 %
code monkey11D3 prohibitory (Prohibitive)
91.4 %
88.1 %
Test12 STAGES_UPSIZE (Prohibitive)
91.15 %
82.87 %
hoqmawlahoqmawla3 (Prohibitive)
91.14 %
83.73 %
INI-RTCVViola-Jones (Prohibitive)
90.81 %
87.85 %
code monkeyModified SSD (Prohibitive)
88.8 %
90.27 %
mraouf.cairo.4Prohibitory_13_21__ (Prohibitive)
88.6 %
93.28 %
shawn_panintChn_MultiScale (Prohibitive)
88.35 %
87.94 %
huqc@msn.comCombine1 (Prohibitive)
88.11 %
83.66 %
mraouf.cairo.3Prohibitory_Testing_13_20 (Prohibitive)
87.64 %
93.16 %
mecalinSVM (Prohibitive)
87.47 %
79.02 %
dkh_finallast (Prohibitive)
87.4 %
88.19 %
titonmoysegunet-renew (Prohibitive)
87.4 %
88.19 %
dkhsegunet (Prohibitive)
86.4 %
87.69 %
mecalinSVM2 (Prohibitive)
85.8 %
79.15 %
Testtest (Prohibitive)
85.59 %
82.82 %
dkhdkh_final (Prohibitive)
85.54 %
80.58 %
lcad-ufes WNN-VGRAM 0.4 (Prohibitive)
85.12 %
84.47 %
lcad-ufes WNN-VGRAM 0.3 (Prohibitive)
85.04 %
84.49 %
CheerfulElasticRoadrunnerccnn2 (Prohibitive)
84.94 %
92.04 %
lcad-ufesWNN-VGRAM 0.5 (Prohibitive)
84.72 %
84.82 %
mraouf.cairo.3Cascade_13_19__1.01 (Prohibitive)
83.7 %
92.81 %
NII-UITlight-colorSIFT (Prohibitive)
83.66 %
81.77 %
lcad-ufesWNN-VGRAM (Prohibitive)
83.36 %
84.46 %
testetest_super_master_ultra (Prohibitive)
83.36 %
84.46 %
testetest_master_ultra (Prohibitive)
83 %
84.45 %
mraouf.cairo.3Cascade_13hw_20_1.01S (Prohibitive)
82.77 %
93.2 %
My Test12 STAGES (Prohibitive)
82.67 %
83.49 %
Test12_STAGES_OLD (Prohibitive)
82.67 %
83.49 %
Testtemp_ (Prohibitive)
82.67 %
83.49 %
lcad-ufesWNN-VGRAM 0.2 (Prohibitive)
82.55 %
84.85 %
glc12125Darknet2.0 (Prohibitive)
82.51 %
85.16 %
My TestTEST_12 (Prohibitive)
82.4 %
83.48 %
maniRCD3 Gray (Prohibitive)
82.22 %
88.34 %
mecalinSVM_hog_hue (Prohibitive)
82.06 %
79.13 %
mraouf.cairo.4Prohibitory_HSV_13_19_SF_M (Prohibitive)
81.68 %
92.62 %
My Test11 STAGES (Prohibitive)
80.39 %
82.7 %
JunkJunk11stages_new (Prohibitive)
80.1 %
82.75 %
testetest_power_master (Prohibitive)
79.67 %
78.33 %
JunkJunk12stages_new (Prohibitive)
78.99 %
82.76 %
mraouf.cairo.1Cascade_13HW_17_2S (Prohibitive)
78.72 %
92.39 %
ducluulbp_filter_8 (Prohibitive)
77.44 %
87.12 %
mraouf.cairo.1Cascade_13HW_17S (Prohibitive)
77.19 %
92.31 %
GiannisFiltered-LBP2 (Prohibitive)
76.8 %
86.96 %
JunkJunk12stages_135 (Prohibitive)
76.77 %
82.17 %
TSDFilter-LBP (Prohibitive)
76.54 %
87.39 %
GiannisFilter-LBP-8stage (Prohibitive)
76.14 %
87.04 %
TSDvio8 (Prohibitive)
76.14 %
87.04 %
JunkJunk12stages (Prohibitive)
76.11 %
81.65 %
JunkJunk12stages_tmp (Prohibitive)
76.11 %
81.65 %
JunkJunk11stages (Prohibitive)
75.92 %
81.41 %
TSDviola6 (Prohibitive)
74.62 %
86.35 %
TestViolaTestViola_n10 (Prohibitive)
73.85 %
81.19 %
TSDviola5 (Prohibitive)
73.15 %
86.34 %
TSDviola7 (Prohibitive)
73.08 %
86.3 %
lcad-ufesWNN-VGRAM V 2.0 (Prohibitive) (Prohibitive)
72.45 %
74.86 %
testeteste_master (Prohibitive)
72.32 %
77.46 %
testetest_all (Prohibitive)
71.49 %
76.2 %
lcadwnn fix parameters (Prohibitive)
71.46 %
77.3 %
lcad-ufesWNN-VGRAM 0.9 (Prohibitive)
71.35 %
74.83 %
temptest (Prohibitive)
71.28 %
80.38 %
lcadWNN-VGRAM 0.3 (Prohibitive)
71.26 %
74.91 %
lcad-ufesWNN-VGRAM 0.8 (Prohibitive)
71.26 %
74.91 %
yycolor probability 1+ shape (Prohibitive)
71.12 %
89.65 %
lcad-ufesWNN-VGRAM 0.6 (Prohibitive)
71.11 %
74.83 %
lcadWNN-VGRAM 0.1 (Prohibitive)
71.1 %
74.81 %
lcadWNN-VGRAM 0.4 (Prohibitive)
71.02 %
74.55 %
LCADWNN-VGRAM 0.5 (Prohibitive)
71.02 %
74.79 %
lcadWNN-VGRAM 0.2 (Prohibitive)
71.02 %
74.79 %
lcad-ufesWNN-VGRAM 0.7 (Prohibitive)
71.02 %
74.79 %
yycolor probability + shape (Prohibitive)
70.61 %
88.54 %
INI-RTCVHOG + LDA (Prohibitive)
70.33 %
78.13 %
lcadWNN-VGRAM 2 (Prohibitive)
70.19 %
74.27 %
lcadWNN-VGRAM 0.7 (Prohibitive)
70 %
74.6 %
GiannisFiltered-LBP3 (Prohibitive)
68.88 %
87.29 %
GiannisFiltered-LBP4 (Prohibitive)
68.8 %
87.48 %
TSDFilter-HOG (Prohibitive)
68.64 %
81.43 %
titonmoysegunet-new (Prohibitive)
68.62 %
84.29 %
code monkey11D3 Augmented (Prohibitive)
67.99 %
83.65 %
TestViolaTestViola_n9 (Prohibitive)
67.93 %
79.99 %
bristoltsdmser_hog3 (Prohibitive)
67.76 %
88.93 %
My Test9 STAGES (Prohibitive)
67.68 %
81.57 %
JunkJunk10stages_13510 (Prohibitive)
67.51 %
80.38 %
manikandanrSSD 0.25 (Prohibitive)
67.45 %
86.24 %
TSDviola1 (Prohibitive)
66.3 %
86.63 %
TSDviola4 (Prohibitive)
66.3 %
86.63 %
mraouf.cairo.4Prohibitory_HSV_13_19_SF_M_1 (Prohibitive)
66.19 %
92.51 %
TestViolaTestViola_n7 (Prohibitive)
66.15 %
79.83 %
TSDviola2 (Prohibitive)
66.12 %
86.6 %
ViolaJones TestViolaJones_test4 (Prohibitive)
65.76 %
77.55 %
mraouf.mbd@gmail.comCascade_4_2 (Prohibitive)
65.55 %
90.12 %
covercover1 (Prohibitive)
65.23 %
80.98 %
ViolaJones TestViolaJones_test3 (Prohibitive)
65.2 %
77.49 %
TestViolaTestViola_n8 (Prohibitive)
65.09 %
79.46 %
TestViolaTestViola_n6 (Prohibitive)
64.97 %
79.35 %
testetest_power_plusplus (Prohibitive)
64.29 %
77.05 %
mraouf.mbd@gmail.comCascade_13 (Prohibitive)
64 %
90.72 %
bkmwhaar_baseline (Prohibitive)
63.07 %
83.8 %
My Test12 STAGES_ScaleFactor_1_2 (Prohibitive)
62.3 %
82.84 %
My Test12 STAGES_Scale_1_2 (Prohibitive)
61.73 %
82.82 %
My Test12 STAGES_ScaleF_1_2 (Prohibitive)
61.47 %
82.83 %
mraouf.mbd@gmail.comCascade_15_19 (Prohibitive)
61.38 %
91.13 %
ViolaJones TestViolaJones_test2 (Prohibitive)
61 %
76.88 %
mraouf.cairo.4Prohibitory_HSV_13_19_SF_1_03 (Prohibitive)
60.8 %
92.44 %
mraouf.mbd@gmail.comCascade_15_20 (Prohibitive)
60.39 %
91.28 %
manikandanrSSD 0.2 (Prohibitive)
60 %
87.74 %
TestViolaTestViola_n5 (Prohibitive)
59.1 %
79.38 %
mraouf.cairo.4Proh_HSV_13_19_SF_1_03_only (Prohibitive)
58.59 %
92.76 %
visics2VJ_hsv_no_traindata_use (Prohibitive)
57.75 %
82.36 %
titonmoysegunet (Prohibitive)
57.6 %
80.71 %
ViolaJones TestViolaJones_test1 (Prohibitive)
57.51 %
78.87 %
temptest2_prohib (Prohibitive)
56.98 %
79.07 %
ViolaJones TestViolaJones_test01 (Prohibitive)
56.78 %
80.09 %
TestViolaTestViola_n4 (Prohibitive)
56.78 %
79.57 %
ViolaJones TestViolaJones_test_7_10 (Prohibitive)
56.78 %
79.57 %
ViolaJones TestViolaJones_test02 (Prohibitive)
56.45 %
79.27 %
mecaSVM_quad (Prohibitive)
56.44 %
75.69 %
TSDviola3 (Prohibitive)
56.09 %
85.09 %
ViolaJones TestViolaJones_test0 (Prohibitive)
55.38 %
81.17 %
maniRCD3 (Prohibitive)
53.95 %
81.38 %
manikandanrsingle shot (Prohibitive)
52.8 %
86.18 %
GiannisRGB2R-Hough-Viola3 (Prohibitive)
50.22 %
75.69 %
GiannisRGB2R-Hough-Viola4 (Prohibitive)
49.02 %
70.55 % (Prohibitive)
48.88 %
77.49 %
rapp@lda_hog_cd (Prohibitive)
47.9 %
87.68 %
mraouf.mbd@gmail.comcascade3 (Prohibitive)
47.36 %
89.01 %
rapp@svm_hog_cd (Prohibitive)
46.94 %
86.78 %
ViolaJones TestViolaJones_test00 (Prohibitive)
46.86 %
77.83 %
covercover2 (Prohibitive)
46.68 %
82.51 % (Prohibitive)
46.06 %
80.52 %
ducluulbp_filter_17 (Prohibitive)
44.44 %
68.23 %
JunkJunk (Prohibitive)
43.7 %
81.53 %
manikandanrSSD 0.3 (Prohibitive)
43.68 %
89.24 %
bristoltsdmser_hog (Prohibitive)
43.11 %
88.85 %
testetest_12 (Prohibitive)
41.83 %
76.05 %
testetest_123 (Prohibitive)
40.05 %
76.31 %
Testtmp__ (Prohibitive)
38.4 %
89.52 %
rapp@LDA-simpHOG (Prohibitive)
35.51 %
86.77 %
TestViolaTestViola_n3 (Prohibitive)
34.02 %
79.84 %
ducluulbp_with_filter (Prohibitive)
33.81 %
68.63 %
manikandanrSSD single shot (Prohibitive)
33.67 %
91.19 %
JunkJunk2 (Prohibitive)
32.3 %
81.34 %
ShapeSaliencyShapeSaliency (Prohibitive)
30.72 %
85.97 %
gambiarraHUMAN (Prohibitive)
28.07 %
79.79 %
manikandanrSSD native (Prohibitive)
27.16 %
85.98 %
INI-RTCVHough-like Voting Scheme (Prohibitive)
26.09 %
76.23 %
D_escobar_VHOG_Cascade2 (Prohibitive)
23.47 %
70.74 %
ducluuhog_cascade (Prohibitive)
23.46 %
70.77 %
ducluuhog_haar_lbp (Prohibitive)
21.57 %
70.33 %
GiannisFiltered-LBP (Prohibitive)
21.32 %
68.71 %
dragostejhough (Prohibitive)
19.57 %
69.73 %
covercover4 (Prohibitive)
18.81 %
82.92 %
D_escobar_VHOG_Cascade (Prohibitive)
15.13 %
70.65 %
rapp@lda-hogc (Prohibitive)
13.87 %
79.86 %
covercover3 (Prohibitive)
12.87 %
82.7 %
matfer95317R-CNN4 (Prohibitive)
10.44 %
73.33 %
bristoltsdmser_hog2 (Prohibitive)
9.46 %
89.33 %
matfer95317R-CNN3 (Prohibitive)
7.26 %
74.32 %
bristoltsdmser_hog4 (Prohibitive)
4.36 %
90.83 %
TeamAachenCascade More Classes2 (Prohibitive)
2.82 %
87.8 %
coder_mckeeYOLOv3 (Prohibitive)
2.76 %
74.65 %
TestViolaTestViola_n2 (Prohibitive)
2.49 %
78.54 %
ViolaJones TestViolaJones_test03 (Prohibitive)
2.49 %
78.54 %
TestViolaTestViola_n1 (Prohibitive)
1.72 %
78.4 %
dragostejhough_transform (Prohibitive)
0.35 %
68.11 %
Giannisviola (Prohibitive)
0.35 %
67.39 %
CheerfulElasticRoadrunnerccnn (Prohibitive)
0.01 %
83.7 %
mraouf.mbd@gmail.comcascade2 (Prohibitive)
0 %
64.57 % (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
Eimerhough (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
GiannisRGB2R-Hough-Viola (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
GiannisRGB2R-Hough-Viola2 (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
LCADWNN_VGRAM (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
My Test12 STAGES NEW (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
My Test12 STAGES NEW_ (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
My TestNEW TEST (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
SchmitzMSER&Shape (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
TeamAachenCascade More Classes (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
TeamAachenSimpleCascade (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
Testtemp (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
Testtmp_ (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
aag-usYOLOv2 (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
aag-usYOLOv2 fixed img names (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
aboltabolaboltabol (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
aboltabolaboltabol2 (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
matfer95317R-CNN (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
matfer95317R-CNN2 (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
millantttt (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
mraouf.mbd@gmail.comCascade Classifier (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
mraouf.mbd@gmail.comCascade_4 (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
neuroteamcolorboost+histeq+VJ (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
qcomVSSD (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
qcomVSSD2 (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
rapp@lda-hogb (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
rapp@test (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
rapp@test1 (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
rapp@test2 (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
s_trafficsigndeepLearning (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
schiffer_paesslercnn10 (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
student.iat.tu-berlin.detest example (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
yycolor+shape (Prohibitive)
0 %
0 %
Please wait while your results are processed